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November 12, 2019
221.6 lbs
5:03 AM - The Cottage, BI
... wind [moaning, howling?], still warm, in the 20’s by evening, November gale... didn’t sleep that well, back of throat drying out, had to wake up and drink multiple times, but dryness tempered by that... internet very slow, wasn’t as slow when we first got out here, don’t know why...
November 11, 2019
219.2 lbs
2:29 PM - The Cottage, BI
... nothing to do, killing time, done editing photos, library not open, not time to cook diner yet, tired, night after night of sleeping on couch, still, Chas has not had an episode in more than a week, doggy health, priceless... when we return the vet, hopefully taper the meds, hopefully everything better, hopefully i will be able to sleep in my own bed soon...
4:32 PM - The Cottage, BI
... dinner prep is done, Bach cello sonatas playing, afternoon, cooking, good music, glass of wine or beer, this is my happy place... my perfect day, up between 4 and 5 AM, Feedly reading, photo walk, make breakfast, photo editing, miscellaneous things, errand running, meal planning, etc., then the afternoon glass of wine, beer, and starting the cooking process, ending in a good meal with wife, mother in law, friends, whomever is around to have dinner with, then, maybe, a good movie...
November 10, 2019
219.4 lbs
5:08 AM - The Cottage, BI
... trying to review photographic posts in Feedly feed, internet so damn slow, so awful, so frustrating, ok, i get it, no internet till i go into town, i hate this, what am i to do when i still have two hours before H gets up?... more sunrise photos around the house?... frustration, i want my routines unencumbered...