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October 05, 2019
October 04, 2019
220.0 lbs
7:55 AM - Madame Brett Park
... a little hung over this morning... solo show celebrations... imagining being devoured by a snake as i walked, snakelike trees causing the reverie...
8:54 AM - Big Mouth Coffee Roasters
... no more alcohol, i am giving it up, i am going to tell H that i am doing that, kombucha from here on out, iced tea, anything but alcohol... always overdo it... need to give my liver a break... pretty latte skinned barista up front, dark red lipstick, full lips, vivacious personality... working out how i am going to print and frame my work for woodstock artist association and museum, need to begin collecting the frames so the expense does not come all at once... woman walks slowly from back to front and out the door, did she park in back and she is just passing through?... the customer flow has been continuous, a constant line... distracting myself with social media etc... probably time to move on...
October 03, 2019
216.6 lbs
7:49 AM - Big Mouth Coffee Roasters
... very good day yesterday, chosen as 1 of 7 artists to have a solo show at WAAM next year, my “Obsession” short story very well received last night... i am really getting into writing hyper-short stories... rain today, was unable to do much of a walk, made some pics from car and a walk around the block waiting for coffee shop to open... H complaining that i am not cooking enough green foods, need to work on that for both of us... trying to get reddit going on all devices, password supposed to be in keychain but keychain not coming up... Roy Orbison on the sound system, bye, bye, happiness... DT melting down all over the place yesterday, trying not to get my hopes up that we will see the back of him, Republican ranks still a little closed, there are cracks... Hot Town, Summer In The City... lots to do, need to put together a newsletter for October with WAAM news, need to update website with WAAM photo selection, need to visit WAAM and see the space, figure out how many images i will need to frame... well, not being that journaling productive, time to go...
October 02, 2019
218.4 lbs
9:27 AM - Ella’s Bellas
... warm, humid, the humid part most offensive, October, we should be done with all that... well, let it stay warm, get things done outside the house... Chas mostly ok, strained back, doggy pain killers made him a less restless dog last night... long walk by the river, lots of older men and women walking for health, i am the only one with a camera... writing group tonight, response to my anthology submissions, curios to see what Dr. Z thought of them... want to bring the alternate version of my obsession story to read, maybe bring both, i don’t know... lots of folks in ties and shirts and business skirts walked in all at once, wondering what is going on?... one man quite tall... having issues with my left ear, feels a bit like i have swimmers ear, i haven’t been swimming... thinking about the 52 project books, wondering if i should use blurb to publish, not make too much of a deal out of it... beef shanks for dinner... time to go...
October 01, 2019
217.8 lbs
7:57 AM - Big Mouth Coffee Roasters
... TURKEY KEYNOTE: Shared Blessings and Harvest... turkey as my totem, i might have known the turkeys that ran up to me yesterday, might have helped raise them, did they remember me?, would be remarkable, more than a year since they last saw me... i like the spirit animal aspect of them, a good omen for the fall... sturdy tattooed barista woman in the house, something solid about her, good solid, artistic solid, creative solid... Chas to the vet this morning, we are a little anxious, his behavior has changed, he wants to, but can’t jump up on the bed, he climbs into the car instead of hoping, he climbs stairs instead of bounding up, robust in all other ways, appetite good, the vet will look at him, hopefully a strained muscle or something... love making color photographs, charged by it, i might be leaving b&w behind for a while... Trump Presidential fire continues, not sure where it will wind up, not sure that DT won’t do unbelievably wild things along the way, fasten seatbelts, bumpy ride and all that, entire administration going down?, big bunch of corrupt power hungry bastards, don’t seem to be many women implicated in all this... i keep thinking about a let him off the hook letter for D, don’t really know why i should... Outside of the surrender to the incommunicable, the suspension amid our mute and unconsoled anxieties, life is merely a fracas on an unmapped terrain, and the universe a geometry stricken with epilepsy.*...
* E. M. Cioran
September 30, 2019
217.8 lbs
7:45 AM Pocket Road Trail, stream crossing
... thinking about the spot on my temple that disappeared overnight, and the dream i had about removing a cancer from my skin that same night, or at least i think it was, the spirit world looking after me?... thinking about A and wether they are, or were, a sexual predator, the stories they tell make me wonder... thinking about Chas and why he is not making his jumps, appetite is good, wondering if he is having trouble seeing? or is it something else? i think we should take him to the vet... i am sitting by the loquacious stream... i am enjoying the color photographs i am making, i feel released from the confines of making “art,” i had the thought that the reason black and white is more firmly considered to be in the realm of art is that it is emotionally removed from the subject matter, color is closer, more intimate more seductive and prone to being driven by colors rather than subject matter... i am enjoying being more connected to my photographs, more delighted by them... thinking about getting a job of some kind to afford a studio, either that or convert the garage into one... i told H i was going to order kayak hanging straps for the garage, first step in cleaning it up...
September 29, 2019
217.4 lbs
8:27 AM - Bigmouth Coffee Roasters
... really annoyed with A, talked my ear off about himself and then got annoyed with me when i told him i needed to move on and make photographs, intimated i don’t know what i am missing in not listening to him, i will come to regret it some day, telling hard to believe stories about being responsible for Mike Bloomberg not running for president because of the storefront painting business next to his studio, which is a national chain and a front for illegal activities wherever it is, Bloomberg used to own?... i tried a couple of times to move on my way and before i knew it i was not in the mood to make photos and had run out of time to do so, fuck him!... phew, needed to blow off a little steam there, A is a fascinating person but he is so much about himself... busy day, front porch painting, Newburgh Open Studios, Saugerties... just looked up the map and figured out the strategy, Regal Bag Studios, Atlas Studios and A&J, most bang for the hour...