7:57 AM - Big Mouth Coffee Roasters
... TURKEY KEYNOTE: Shared Blessings and Harvest... turkey as my totem, i might have known the turkeys that ran up to me yesterday, might have helped raise them, did they remember me?, would be remarkable, more than a year since they last saw me... i like the spirit animal aspect of them, a good omen for the fall... sturdy tattooed barista woman in the house, something solid about her, good solid, artistic solid, creative solid... Chas to the vet this morning, we are a little anxious, his behavior has changed, he wants to, but can’t jump up on the bed, he climbs into the car instead of hoping, he climbs stairs instead of bounding up, robust in all other ways, appetite good, the vet will look at him, hopefully a strained muscle or something... love making color photographs, charged by it, i might be leaving b&w behind for a while... Trump Presidential fire continues, not sure where it will wind up, not sure that DT won’t do unbelievably wild things along the way, fasten seatbelts, bumpy ride and all that, entire administration going down?, big bunch of corrupt power hungry bastards, don’t seem to be many women implicated in all this... i keep thinking about a let him off the hook letter for D, don’t really know why i should... Outside of the surrender to the incommunicable, the suspension amid our mute and unconsoled anxieties, life is merely a fracas on an unmapped terrain, and the universe a geometry stricken with epilepsy.*...
* E. M. Cioran