7:41 AM - Bigmouth Coffee Roasters
… a young woman who used to work in the natural market across the street now a barista here, i asked if she was doing both and she said just here… she looks different, no intense color in her hair, no natural market apron, i notice that she is fit, trim, something more sensual about the way she looks in this environment… no word from the cardiologist yesterday, i assume i will hear something today… i made almost the kitchen progress i wanted yesterday, but ran out of materials… deaf-woman is here, i avoid catching her eyes because the last time i did she seemed uncomfortable, i am not interested in making anyone uncomfortable… i worked out more of the kitchen details, going to be much better in the end, just have to get far enough for a functional kitchen before H gets home, it won’t be as far along as hoped, work rarely goes as quickly as one expects… watched My Week With Marilyn last night, had not realized that Michele Williams starred in it, she may be my favorite actress of all time… good movie, sweet, maybe too sweet, MW was amazing, seemed to capture the essence of one of the most famous women ever… “ALL I NEED IS A BUCK OR TWO,” screaming on the sound system, not sure about natural-market-barista’s taste in music… “Three-fourths of philosophy and literature is the talk of people trying to convince themselves that they really like the cage they were tricked into entering”*… i am willing to accept this as true, but really, how can i judge from the reading i am able to do, so much of what we “know” is dependent on what others profess to know, the verified expert is significant, and this is what people turn away from today, why, the expert opinion is bound to the state which is not serving people well, the economy, which does not serve truth well, truth flourishes where there is no expectation of remuneration, just the desire to know, say what is known, truth the only agenda… we find ourselves in a system that places a premium on being paid, truth subject to the agenda of those who do the paying, and now, thinking about Bertrand Russell’s idea that our technological advances ought to make it possible for people not to have to work much, i wonder what might happen if large numbers of people are free to do what they wish, have the basics taken care of, can be idle or not, what would they do with their time…
*Earth, Hold, House, Gary Snyder